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In the new update, I have been working on further improving the process system. Now the assignment of a crew member to the module maintenance process has become more intuitive.

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In the new update, I have been working on further improving the process system.
Now the assignment of a crew member to the module maintenance process has become more intuitive.

Also, in the game has appear a cool process called production (crafting).
For now, several production modules and simple recipes have been added. As well as a new crew member who will serve all this stuff.

Module "Metalworker"

It is intended for the manufacture of Parts that are used to fixi module breakdowns, and they are also often used in the above-mentioned production process as one of the components of the recipe. The Parts are made of steel ingots (not to be confused with titanium ingots or nickel ingots).

Module "Assembler"

It is intended for the manufacture of finished products from various components. For now, the manufacture of not the coolest clothes is available (several types of armor and hand weapons).

Module "Chemical reactor"

It is designed to produce some components, and also here you can make a very useful thing - medicines.

It is recommended to install such modules on ships that have at least several slots of a general type. They can also be installed on the player's station, now it has several slots for modules.

Crew member "Production Engineer"

A smart guy in a fancy vest. It is needed to maintain the above modules, they will not work without him.
Meanwhile, he has average skills for servicing any modules in principle, as well as an average level of "Fixing" skill. As usual, his combat skills leave much to be desired and he does not have military equipment when hiring.
Class: engineer, subclass: process engineer.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the production chains introduced in this update are a kind of start for larger-scale updates in the future and will be significantly rebalanced. Some ingredients for production can only be bought so far. For example, the smelting of steel ingots from ore will be in the next updates, you will have to buy it at the station or somewhere else, but the nitrogen gas needed for the production of medicines can already be extracted from gas clouds.


Some problems were also fixed, when, for example, a crew member engaged in module maintenance did not react in any way to a module breakdown (he was simply thrown out of the module maintenance slot), now a crew member will try to fix the module breakdown (if he has the necessary skill and consumables for this).

Breakdown fixing process

The mechanics of breakdowns have also been changed - their overall chance of occurrence has been reduced, but there is a nuance - breakdowns can now occur at any time while the module is connected to the ship's electrical network (for example, a short circuit), and not only during processes.
But there are also breakdowns relevant only to specific processes. For example, the breakdown of medical probes in the module "Medical bay" can only occur during the execution of the "healing" process.

And other small bug fixes for the work of processes:
- Now, if a crew member is already maintain a module, when you hover the mouse over this module, there will be no "maintenance" icon under the mouse. I.e. you cannot assign a crew member to maintain the module that he already maintains.
- Now, if a crew member is unable to maintain the module due to insufficient skill level, then there will be a relevant icon under the mouse.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect display of the current action when a crew member maintain the module.
- Now, if a module breaks down, the crew member which maintain this module immediately tries to fix the damage and continue maintenance.
- During the fix process, the crew member now has wrench icon instead the gear icon.
- If the repairman runs out of consumables or some other problem occurs during the fix of a breakdown, his icon of the current action will start flashing.
- The color of the fixing icon has turned olive green.

Try the update! And good luck with your work and production!

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