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Game Suggestions? (Forums : Console Gaming : Game Suggestions?) Locked
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Nov 28 2014 Anchor

Hey! I am a pretty much clueless girlfriend looking for a good surprise gift for my bf. He just bought the GTAV PS4 bundle and already mentioned he wants the new Second Son. He also likes Dead Rising and The Last of Us, used to play Halo when he had an Xbox. Any more obscure games he might not have played but would probably like?

Jan 3 2015 Anchor

So zombie survival games then? With a bit of sandbox open world game play as well then. The "Far Cry" Series kinda comes to mind, open world with missions to it, "Dead Island"...but that's on PS3. I would also say one of the "Batman Arkham" games, "Assassin's Creed" or "Destiny", Batman and Assassin for open world and missions, Destiny because its kinda like a new Halo game.
Those are some of the safer bets for what to get judging on what your BF is currently playing, id Youtube them all and see if they have any features that he gets exited about. Its just the PS4 doesn't have a huge library of games for you to get something obscure just yet.


Im rooting for you, we're all in this together.

Sep 2 2015 Anchor

The last of us! :) and id he liked the last of us, he'd love, beyond two souls.

Sep 26 2015 Anchor

Evil Within definitely :D

Sep 30 2015 Anchor

Dying Light

Oct 1 2015 Anchor

Witcher 3 for sure. :)

Nov 17 2015 Anchor

+1 for Evil Within and Witcher 3, Heavy rain

Feb 2 2016 Anchor

I would recommend you to go for games like Far Cry, Assassin's Creed or Witcher 3 as I feel your bf might like those kinds of games. You can also check here to get more ideas on games that you can gift your bf.

Edited by: jeannesamson

Feb 12 2016 Anchor

The Evil Within was my first PS4 game and I loved it. I also really like Mortal Kombat X and Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.


Groovy Invaders


Download Fart Man on Google Play! See how far you can fart, and upload your high score to the online leaderboard!


Fart Man

Mar 8 2016 Anchor


Apr 27 2016 Anchor

Dragon Encounter!!!

I’ve been playing this for quite a long time now and I will give you 4 reasons why I’m addicted to this arcade-style fantasy RPG.

First- Dragon Encounter is an Android/IOS user friendly RPG game. That’s why I can play its incredible visuals and animations wherever I go. Also, users may choose which class they want to be in this game, whether they want be a Wizard, an Archer or even a Warrior.

Second - it has an exceptional Party Play system, in which users should defeat dungeon bosses real-time three-person tag teams. What I like about this feature is that Dragon Encounter gives me an opportunity to play with my friends

User Posted Image

Third – I think we can all agree that one of the features that some of us are looking for when playing a mobile RPG game are the PvP and Guild Battles right? Well in this game users can have their own friendly matches in 1v1 and even 3v3 modes.

Fourth – They have tons of costumes that users can choose for their characters. And when I said tons, I’m talking about more than 100 costumes that even Fashionistas would enjoy dressing up for the Legendary Costume from Raid Dragon.

check this game!

Sep 8 2016 Anchor

Hello Iam Dadan!!!
I have a question, how can I download a game?

Edited by: dadan19

May 10 2017 Anchor

Skyrim, Starcraft and Ragnarok Journey for stress relieving gameplay XD and some adventure time if you want.

Jul 18 2017 Anchor

Mario 1

Nov 4 2017 Anchor

If he has a PS4, a great couple game is Until Dawn. My gf never plays games and she really enjoyed playing it with me. We actually played it through twice in as many nights =)

Nov 17 2017 Anchor

State of Decay , dunno or its available on Xbox One, but for PC is

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