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We are thrilled to share the news that our brand new short horror experience is now officially released for you to experience!

Feel free to check it out before playing The Callous Waterbuck Wall, as we consider it to be one of our most terrifying & polished horror projects!

You can also play this new horror experience directly on your browser without the need for a download.

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The Callous Waterbuck Wall

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Hello there! We are genuinely thankful for the incredible support you've shown for our game. This project was once only an idea. Now it has blossomed into a polished game with a captivating story, unique gameplay mechanics and a fantastic community!

As you're well aware, we've already responded to your valuable feedback after launch with a major update. While we may continue to release minor updates for any necessary tweaks, we can now say that we are very happy with where our game stands now. Therefore, now is truly the best time to play and experience The Callous Waterbuck Wall.

To ensure anyone can dive directly into the excitement without any barriers, we've decided to make our game free to play. You can check it out any time by visiting our itch.io game page:

Game Page Link

This is the complete edition of the features that make our game unique with all of our past episodes combined! Enjoy these delightful and captivating reads, but do remember: Nothing is quite like immersing yourself and playing the game firsthand!

1- The Game Map

Traverse through the vast world of The Callous Waterbuck Wall, that stretches beyond towns, cities and bodies of water, each corner teeming with explorable places, mysteries, and untold tales. In our game you can explore different unique locations, experience different seasons and travel around the game world using a ship, boat, helicopter, train, car or on foot.

The following are some of the locations that you can travel to, that have interesting stories to uncover...

Game Map 1

Cape Waterbuck

Cape Waterbuck has been considered a safe zone ever since the construction of The Waterbuck Wall. The wall has been used to stop The Callous from entering Cape Waterbuck for many years. However, all good things must come to an end...

Article 4 1Article 4 11Article 4 12

Marten City Central

Marten City was once a lively urban area, now it lays barren except for possible unknown dangers around every corner. A while after The Callous has taken over the city, the military has decided to bomb some parts of the city to combat their spread. However, it was not successful...

Article 4 8Article 4Article 4 14

Ermine County Military District

One of the few active military bases, that is still standing is located in a remote part of Ermine County. With many personnel, they even have their own farms to grow crops. While it may seem like they are living a simple life, what lays outside of the complex walls says otherwise...

Article 4 4Article 4 2Article 4 3

Wombat Park Metro Line

Living inside the metro station seems like a wonderful idea at first. Limited entrances, protected tunnels and a somewhat known layout... But at the end of the day someone has to bring in food, water and supplies. Once called many people this underground station home, what happened to them?

Article 4 7Article 4 15Article 4 6

Eland River Area

There are stories of many people coming to the Eland River Area to watch others play street basketball. Now, we live in a world without the luxuries we once took for granted.

The only sounds we hear are the howls and creaks of the beasts that roam the wasteland. But we cannot give up hope, my friends. We must continue to fight for survival and never forget the little precious things we've lost...

Article 4 16Article 4 5Article 4 17

2- Game Characters

Throughout your journey in The Callous Waterbuck Wall, you will meet some unique characters and engage with them to shape your wonderful story.


Camp is the resilient protagonist you play as in our game The Callous Waterbuck Wall. He has been living in Woodchuck County, Cape Waterbuck ever since a high wall has been built around Cape Waterbuck to protect it from the Callous. The name of this wall is the Waterbuck Wall, hence the name of our game.

Camp's journey is one of heartache and strength. He has lost his daughter to the Callous years before. Despite this profound tragedy, Camp clings to hope and resilience. An engineer by trade, Camp contributes his skills to the development of Marmoset Ridge, a charming town nestled near Woodchuck County.

As you step into his shoes, you'll experience his courage and his unwavering determination to preserve the essence of hope in the face of darkness...

Article 3 1

Chief Hank

Hank is Camp's one and only brother. United by the threads of brotherhood, Hank and Camp have shared their lives since childhood and done everything together.

He pursues a career in law enforcement that spans numerous years. His connection to the military has helped him keep people out of harm's way, and he is currently the Chief of the Waterbuck Police Department.

Although years have aged him, he still tries to see the good things in life. The zest for his life resonates in his hobby of fishing and he always encourages Camp to go with him...

Article 3 7

Captain Marcus

A life marked by exploration and nomadism, Marcus has traversed landscapes both familiar and foreign. The sea breeze carries echoes of Marcus's story, as he captains his ship through the vast waters.

While the particulars of his past remain unknown, whispers of his origins trace back to Marten City, where he did a lot of scavenging in his quest for survival...

Article 3 6

Commander Cole

Commander Cole, a beacon of dedication to the safety and prosperity of those under his care. From the earliest days of his journey, Commander Cole's aspirations aligned with a singular purpose – safeguarding the lives of his fellow citizens.

He was once a soldier in Canary District. This resolute dedication has propelled him to the rank of the Commander of the Ermine County military forces. Respected by those he commands, his leadership is a beacon of hope in the shadows of the Callous...

Article 3 5

3- Humanity And Its Enemies

Humanity is not the same as it once was... In a world like this who is the enemy and who is the "good"?

The Callous

Who would have though it would come down to this? My friends, let us tell you a tale of a world long gone. Once great cities, now reduced to nothing but desolate lands. The Callous changed everything.

This is no disease or plague that we are talking about... Nightmarish creatures that are ruthless and unstoppable as they catch their prey. Humanity was forced to build high walls to keep the horrors at bay, but was that even enough to keep what's left of them safe?

Article 3 4

The Military

As the world was slowly taken over by the Callous, humanity was forced to build high walls to try to keep them at bay. The resources and the protection needed to construct such structures and protect the people were made possible only with the help of the military.

In a world like this where order has eroded and societies evaporated, they were met with criticism. The military now does not wage their battles solely against the Callous, as there is yet another strong force...

Article 3 3

The Coatis

The human instinct during hardships is to stay together and help one another out. In times like this the enemy of one's enemy is one's friend. The Coatis are a dark example of the human will to survive no matter what it takes or how moral it can be considered.

Their past with the military has resulted in many grim disagreements. As their numbers grow day by day, you begin to wonder whether the humans were the real enemies all along...

Article 3 2

4- Procedural Generation?

We also want to talk about an interesting aspect of our game, that is not known well to many of our players. As you may already know The Callous Waterbuck Wall is an exploration, survival, story game. As a player you have the option to continue on this interesting journey and go on side missions to gather resources. If you have played our game you will realise that each time you go on a side mission the play area is different. This is because of procedural generation.

The following are some of the areas you can visit to collect resources and explore your surroundings. They each have their unique designs and generation algorithm. How it works is that as you enter a side mission the game procedurally generates a new map based on chunks with different items & places on top of them.

For example if you are in a camping site, the chunks may generate a wooden hut in a certain spot. In that wooden hut could be different rooms generated. In those rooms could be different shelves and loot generated and in those shelves could be different items generated.

The more layers there are, the better the randomization and uniqueness. The next time you go into a side mission this might be an interesting thought to keep in mind! Here are some of the procedurally generated places you can visit in The Callous Waterbuck Wall.

Camping Site

Area 1


Area 6

Office Building

Area 4

Shopping Mall

Area 5

Parking Garage

Area 3

Ski Resort

Area 2

5- Ranged Weapons

The Callous Waterbuck Wall features a wide variety of different weapons for you to use as you are exploring the world. No matter what type of play-style you have, there is enjoyment to be had for everyone!

  • You can use ranged weapons during your journey and craft home-made ammunition or come across them during exploration missions and story missions.
  • Each ranged weapon has many attachments that you can use to customize the way they look and add functionality to them. The following images show the weapons in their stock form without any upgrades or attachments.
  • Each ranged weapon has different stats and some of the weapons can be used as long-range with sniper scopes or precision scopes.















6- Melee Weapons

The Callous Waterbuck Wall also features melee weapons that can be very helpful for your survival.

  • Our game encourages you to be resourceful with your ammunition. There will likely be times when you are low on ammo and these handy melee weapons will give you a little bit of breathing room.
  • There is another secret melee weapon that is not listed here. We have added it as a little easter egg, that you can come across in the game. Regardless of whether you find it or not, we had a lot of fun making it!





Fire Axe


7- Attachments

The Callous Waterbuck Wall features an advanced weapon customization system that allows you to add different types of attachments to your weapons to increase their stats or personalize their looks.

  • Weapon attachments can be found in exploration missions and story missions.
  • Gears are the currency of The Callous Waterbuck Wall. In order to upgrade or customize your weapons you can always use gears.
  • Different weapons have different attachments that can be swapped out on the workbench.

Aim Down Sights

These attachments can be used for medium range combat against the Callous or different enemy factions.

  • In the following images you can see a Shader equipped with various aim down sights.

Red Dot Sight

Article 2 15Article 2 19

Green Dot Sight

Article 2 14Article 2 18

Mobile Scope

Article 2 13Article 2 17

Military Scope

Article 2 12Article 2 16

Ammunition Attachments

These attachments can be used to increase ammunition or magazine capacity. This allows you to carry more ammunition with you.

  • Upgrades like Modified Magazines, Extended Magazines and Ammo Pouches can be equipped to your ranged weapons.
  • In the following image you can see a Brusher equipped with a Holder Attachment.

Article 2 5

Stability Attachments

These attachments can be used to customize your weapons.

  • You can use different weapon stocks or grips with your weapons.
  • Many weapons have unique stocks. You can however change the stocks as you wish.
  • In the following images you can see a Dasher and an Outliner equipped with Stability Attachments.

Horizontal Grip

Article 2 4

No Stock

Article 2 20

Elongated Stock

Article 2 1

Lightweight Stock

Article 2 2

8- Long Range Scopes

These attachments can be used for long range combat against the Callous or different enemy factions.

  • In the following images you can see a Hunter equipped with various scopes.

Hunter Scope

Article 2 11Article 2 8

Sniper Scope

Article 2 10Article 2 7

Precision Scope

Article 2 9Article 2 6

You can download the game here or by visiting our itch.io game page:

By downloading The Callous Waterbuck Wall you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Game Page Link

About CampTeam Games

We are a group of friends that enjoy making games! Our goal has always been to make quality games, that we, ourselves, would actually enjoy playing and to fulfill such a great experience for others as well.

We've decided to make our game free to play, so anyone can dive into the excitement without any barriers. We wish to prove that a game doesn't have to have incredible graphics & animation and a hefty budget to be enjoyable.

So, join us on our journey and feel free to give constructive feedback to help us improve! If you find yourself captivated by the world of the Callous, we would greatly appreciate your support in spreading the word and sharing the game with others. We wish you a delightful experience!


©2023 CampTeam Games

The Callous Waterbuck Wall is created and developed by CampTeam Games

The Complete Edition is finally released! Thank you! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ‘โ€Ž๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

The Complete Edition is finally released! Thank you! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ‘โ€Ž๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ


This project was once only an idea. Now it has blossomed into a wonderful game with a fantastic community! We are absolutely thrilled to share the news...

Our Thoughts On The Unity Situation...

Our Thoughts On The Unity Situation...

News 2 comments

As fellow indie game developers, we empathize with Unity developers who have relied on the platform for years, only to encounter these unexpected changes...

Uncovering Storylines! - A Forgotten World

Uncovering Storylines! - A Forgotten World


We're very excited to give you an insider's look into the features that make our game unique. Nothing is quite like immersing yourself in the game!

Uncovering Storylines! - Humanity and its Enemy

Uncovering Storylines! - Humanity and its Enemy


We're very excited to give you an insider's look into the features that make our game unique. Nothing is quite like immersing yourself in the game!

RSS Files
The Callous Waterbuck Wall V.1.2.7 (Release)

The Callous Waterbuck Wall V.1.2.7 (Release)

Full Version 1 comment

This is one of the official download pages for The Callous Waterbuck Wall. The latest version is (V.1.2.7)

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LunarShuriken - - 1,306 comments

Looks great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
CampTeam_Games Creator
CampTeam_Games - - 16 comments

Thank you for your feedback!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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