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Vaguely insane, vaguely evil.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 5,812)
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Might as well ask for an in person demonstration while you're at it.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Right to be concerned - 004


Good karma+3 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Maybe 5 to 6, 9 at the most.


Good karma+1 vote
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Let's try this today - 112

Skill issue, he wouldn't have been rejected if he had put on a skirt first.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ That's one way to solve a problem, I guess...

No big deal, just respawn afterward.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Nah, throw the spider into space. It ain't his house.

Good karma+3 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Sounds like a light breakfast then.

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Time to load up that shotgun and fire away!

Good karma+3 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Dutch

Wish.com's reputation is mainly stemming from its earlier days. These days it's actually pretty solid (besides the high shipping costs & long time of said shipping) for buying most things though blatantly obvious dumb **** are still around (they don't police the individual venders that well).

I actually spent hundreds of bucks on knock off brand legos and they're pretty good all things considered.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Dutch

When you buy an English language from Wish.com.

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Doesn't matter, had sex.

Good karma+3 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

The problem these days is to even get 4 guys who are willing to leave their room for a quest IRL...

Good karma+5 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

It's never too late to learn!

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Right to be concerned - 001

A bussy is fine too.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ China Assault Cannon

China decides to live the STUG life.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ The Dumbest Timeline

It'll work on any system that plays the original. Probably. We didn't really do that much testing (we got like, 2 1/2 computers between the team).

Good karma+1 vote
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

Let me guess, the chick's the armored one while the other is a femboi.

Good karma+2 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

He's just learning from his owners.

Good karma+3 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

It's 2024 now, chicks can have dicks.

Alternatively, hentai taught me that chicks can pee standing up.

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ They have done some real good job here!

When both are occupied this starts playing: Youtu.be

Good karma+3 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Everything is about safety this days...

Looks like a case of skill issue here.

Good karma+5 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ The Day Before

Dead game.

Good karma+1 vote
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

He's still gonna give a 5 star rating right?

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

When is it gonna finish loading?

Good karma+5 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ ...

What are you trying to play on that computer, Doom?

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Market Economics

Now that I think about it, it should be the opposite if anything, since in the super late game all the other resources would have run out besides gold (because of trade & relic gold) while other sources will always run out.

Good karma+1 vote
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Tasty Treats

I don't care which universe it's from I just care if it's cheaper than the universe I live at.

Good karma+4 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Average Bethesda Worker's life

It just works.

Good karma+5 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Market Economics

wood please.

Good karma+5 votes
Kalga - - 5,812 comments @ Shop

Same energy as those lone gas stations in the middle of nonwhere hours from the nearest town.

Good karma+4 votes